Common Mistakes Vermont Accident Victims Make

Common Mistakes Vermont
Accident Victims Make
Rule number one is don’t talk to an insurance company until you’ve talked to a lawyer.
These days more than ever, insurance companies are all about the bottom line. That means raking in as much money in premiums, and paying out as little in claims, as possible. They do this by minimizing your injury, rationalizing the wrongdoer’s conduct, stonewalling and lowballing. The first step in this process is often a recorded statement from you. The insurance companies don’t take these statements to enhance your claim or justify payment. On the contrary: They do it to find something to hold against you. Like a Rorshach test, they will view every fact you give them as a reason to reduce their payout. Think about it. Do you really believe the insurance companies do what they do so that they can give you more instead of less?
The problem is, you won’t know the angles they are going to play until it’s too late. That’s why you need experienced help in your corner. An experienced personal injury lawyer will know all of the insurance industry’s tricks and traps. They can get you up to speed on the process, and the pitfalls, in one quick, easy telephone call or, if you prefer, an office visit.
And the best part? It’s a completely free, no-strings arrangement! You can have the benefit of the advice of some of Vermont’s most experienced trial lawyers before you start dealing with the insurance companies without paying a single penny.
Why would you not want to take advantage of this opportunity? Why would you walk into the lion’s den without protection when, with one free phone call, you could be forewarned, and forearmed? Now you’re probably wondering what’s in it for the lawyer? Basically, they know you’ll be back. When you get a taste of what it’s like to be injured and have to deal with a big, profit-driven corporation the chances are good you will quickly realize only professional help will get you on a level playing field. Once you reach this realization, your search for a lawyer will be over before it even starts.
Personal injury lawyers make their living by helping people just like you increase the value of their cases. Simply put, they help themselves by helping you. Which is just the opposite of what the insurance company has in mind.