Who Will Compensate Me For My Personal Injury Losses?
Question: Who Will Compensate Me For My Personal Injury Losses?
Generally, the money that compensates you for injuries resulting from car accidents, medical malpractice, defective products and workplace mishaps ultimately comes from the insurance company of the person who hurt you, either in the form of an out-of-court settlement or a judgment at the end of a trial. This is also true for wrongful death cases. In motor vehicle personal injury cases your own insurance policy may cover some of your medical expenses under a medical payments (“medpay”) provision regardless of whether you seek or obtain money from the other driver. Many times the other driver will also carry medpay coverage that you can tap into. However medpay is limited both in scope and duration, with low policy limits and a one-year cutoff in many cases, so in all but very minor cases you will need to go after the other party’s liability policy up to its limits. In some car accident cases your own uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage can be used to supplement your recovery when your damages exceed the limits of the other driver’s policy.